How can you prevent tinnitus and deafness?

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  • Source:Phonic Hearing Aids

As we age, our body functions also change, so we are easily susceptible to various diseases. Deafness and tinnitus are one of the more common diseases. No matter what the disease is, it should be prevented in advance and treated as soon as possible once discovered. How much do you know about the prevention methods of deafness? Deafness is a preventable disease and can be effectively prevented. As long as you take relevant precautions in your life Measures can keep you away from deafness disease.

How can you prevent tinnitus and deafness?

1. Keep a comfortable mood, avoid excessive depression and anger, and avoid tinnitus caused by anger.

2. Develop good living habits. Long-term smoking, the harmful substances in the smoke can easily damage the cochlea and cause tinnitus and deafness.

3. Pay attention to proper care and avoid tinnitus due to kidney deficiency due to long-term fatigue.

4. The treatment of tinnitus takes a relatively long time, and treatment should not be given up or interrupted because the purpose of alleviation or elimination cannot be achieved in a short period of time.
5. Long-term drinking, especially spirits with high alcohol concentration, alcohol accumulation can also damage the cochlea and cause tinnitus and deafness.

6. Pay attention to diet, pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and avoid overthinking, which may damage the spleen over time and cause tinnitus due to lack of Qi and blood.

7. If you have a cold or nasal congestion, you should treat it as soon as possible. If there is a lot of nasal secretions, you should pay attention to cleaning one side of the nasal cavity at a time, or use the inhalation method to spit out the secretions. Do not use excessive force to prevent the secretions from entering the ear orifices and causing ear diseases and tinnitus.

The prevention of deafness and tinnitus can help reduce the prevalence, but it does not guarantee that deafness and tinnitus will not occur. Therefore, if prevention fails and you unfortunately suffer from deafness and tinnitus, the patient should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible. The earlier the treatment, the better the effect

When tinnitus and deafness reach a more serious level, the harm will be greater, so treatment Tinnitus must be treated promptly without delay! Go to the hospital as soon as possible instead of listening to all kinds of false or exaggerated advertisements and medicines to seek medical treatment or take them on your own, so as not to delay the condition, worsen the condition, and miss the best opportunity for treatment!

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